
Search Engine Positioning useful advice part

What is characteristic for LinkOrn is that the system offers several schemes of linking pages (the choice from all pages, main pages only and pages noted at least PageRank=1). LinkOrn is also distinguished by a good level of support. The admin reacts immediately to all possible requests for help with installation or with using the system. The position is influenced not only by the amount of links, but also by their increase in time, so remember not to place all directed links on the website at once, so that a regular, slow increase of their number takes place for a longer period of time. Optimization of the webpage design The design and content of the webpage isn't that influential when it comes to positioning websites any more. The position is influenced not only by the amount of links, but also by their increase in time, so remember not to place all directed links on the website at once, so that a regular, slow increase of their number takes place for a longer period of time.

Optimization of the webpage design The design and content of the webpage isn't that influential when it comes to positioning websites any more. However, it is worth to remember that search engines still pay some attention to: The frequency of keywords (the number of repetitions of a particular keyword) The density of keywords (keywords' rate in the webpage structure) Keywords positioning (keywords should be placed at the beginning) The elements of a page which have influence on search engine positioning are: The area The title of the page: an intriguing title including keywords The title of the page is important when positioning the page and the words included in it are still rather significant. The title should be catchy, as it is one of the most visible elements of the webpage. It should also be short - a maximum of seventy-five characters, but it is best to make it sixty characters, including spaces, which makes about five-six words. The keywords should be placed at the beginning of the title. Avoid repeating the keywords in the title, because some search engines may recognize them as unnecessary.

Also avoid words which don't appear in the content of the page. Mata Tag Description: meta name="description" content="an interesting and inviting description of the page, including keywords" The description of the website is also sometimes important for some search engines. Place the keywords at the beginning of the description and avoid repeating them (a maximum number of repetitions is twice or three times, otherwise the search engine may recognize them as spam); if necessary, separate the repetitions with other words. Try to create a description up to one hundred and fifty characters (including spaces), although many search engines take into account descriptions of up to two hundred and fifty-six characters.

Google ignores this meta tag when ranking, but sometimes uses it as a source of webpage description in searching results. Meta Tag including keywords: meta name="keywords" content="word one, word two, word three" Google ignores the 'keywords' meta tag, but it is still worth putting it on the page, since several search engines still pay some attention to it. They usually consider up to two hundred and fifty-six characters (including spaces). Remember not to exaggerate with the number of keywords in this meta tag.

It is reasonable to put up to 10 keywords in here (regarding the requirements of various search engines, the most optimal length is between seventy-five and one hundred and twenty-eight characters, including spaces). Never repeat keywords here. Search engines only accept repeating the same words, but in different phrases and not more than three times. Put the most important keywords at the beginning.

Do not include any keywords which don't appear in the content of the page in this meta tag. In the area Webpage heading: the text of the heading including keywords. Use headings, because this helps in Search Engine Positioning.

The most important heading is the highest one. Try to make your headings short and never repeat the same keywords in one heading. It is best to put the heading at the very beginning of the area. The address of the link: e.g.

Anchor text in internal links. Provide all internal links directed to a given subpage of your service with an appropriate anchor text: e.g. keyword Alt tags: alt="keywords included in picture description" If you have graphics on your website, use the alt attribute to describe them (one short sentence including keywords).

And of course include the text with the keywords. Boldface keyword and italicize keyword the most important keywords at least once. Various research on search engines reveals that the density of keywords in the document contents should not exceed five percent of all keywords included on the page. If it does, search engines may recognize them as spam.

You may use the following websites to determine your webpage's keyword density: Webjectives Keyword Density Analyzer, Widexl Meta Tag Analyzer. Remember that cramming keywords into the website is pointless. What really matters in successful positioning is organizing the biggest possible number of high quality links with appropriate anchor text directed to a promoted website from thematically similar services. This is the main 'mystery' of Search Engine Positioning now. The fastest way to obtain many quality links is to register in Link Vault or similar Polish systems, like LinkujPRO or LinkOrn.

In my opinion LV is the most effective one, but if you prefer Polish support choose LP or LO. Additional advice Don't use frames to construct your www page, because some search engines cannot manage indexing such pages. Optimize one subsite for not more than three words or phrases (competitive ones), as it is very difficult to position a website for a bigger number of keywords. It is better to be well-positioned for one or two crucial words or phrases than to get a low position for many words. For each subsite of your service create a different title and place the two most important keywords (which appear on this site) there. The variety of each subsite concerns also Description and Keywords meta.

Don't put keywords into comments !- keywords -, hidden layers, etc. Google will ignore it anyway and in other search engines you may get a ban for it. Choose keywords which best describe your webpage and check how often Internet users look for these words. or boksy. may come in useful when searching for such information.

Make sure that the keywords you've chosen are popular among Polish Internet users. Positioning a webpage for words nobody ever types in a search engine is pointless, isn't it? By more elaborate services create a sitemap, which will help index particular subsites by the search engines' robots. Check out also Google Sitemaps, especially in bigger services with a big number of dynamically created websites. Copyright (c) 2008 Adam Nowak.

This article was translated by mLingua Worldwide Translations, Ltd. mLingua provides professional language translations in all major Western and Asian languages, software localization and web site translation services. Please visit


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