
iPod Video The Way To Go

The article which you are about to read has been written because I have been made aware of the interest people have in ipod videos. I hope that you will find the article both helpful, interesting, and informative. The new iPod video became famous due to its huge memory and the capacity of playing video, due to its slim design and longer life battery.

Still, there are voices that point out some disadvantages and highlight different negative aspects. Taking into account that there are few perfect things made by the human hand, these aspects may be used by the iPod video creators for further improvements. Therefore, the customers reviews are very important and the suggestions may be really taken into account. The fact that the screen is bigger is great, but the surface is easy to scratch, an aspect that is more in the cons category.

Although the image is excellent and the clarity screen may be easily compared with the TV sets screen quality, there are still some problems with freezing video images. There is a great achievement the fact that the light, sun or other previous obstacles are annihilated, but another important problem is the unresponsiveness in some cases. The dimensions of the new iPod video are great, but there is no way you may watch it with more than several persons. Anyway, it was designed for personal not collective needs and you may still share your photo album and music or video music preferences with one person. The flat screen is large enough to enjoy your favorite videos. Although the battery life is longer, the complaints concern the short battery life for video.

And this complaint may be balanced by the fact that the video is played with no flaw. The pros of the new iPod video are considered the cool look, the impressive number of features, the great organization of the music menu so that you may even rank your favorite songs. The cons of the new iPod video are considered the absence of FM option, the fact that no cradle is included, the impossibility of connecting the iPod video to the computer and the cost. Now before you read any further I just want to jump in here and say that I really do hope that you are finding this helpful.

I have written this because I do think that we need to know more about iPod videos, so, having said that, lets continue. The amazing new features concern the sound quality, it is clearer and stronger with a bass that is stronger articulated, the sound is also louder than that of the previous generations. The other good features are the easy control, the video feature is classified with great, but the flaws regard the interruption of the sound between the tracks, being blanked out. There are still other suggestions regarding the battery life, taking into account the amount of music that the new iPod video has. The pros may be gathered together pointing out the thin and attractive enclosure with a great display, the best sound, 15-20 hours of music, new clock and the time in other parts of the world.

The cons highlight the incompleteness of the video integration that suggests the experimental project aspect, absence of the new games, no changes in the interface, the smaller screen than expected especially for video features edition. Another disadvantage concerns the slow transfer of photos direct from the camera. Some critics point out the fact that the design and the features of the new iPod video may be seen from different perspectives.

Therefore, the complaints and the satisfaction may be contradictory. These aspects may be seen from a movie lover perspective, an audiophile or photographer or even from a simple consumer with no great expectations. That is why you may find musicians reviews or video addicted reviews that are in contradiction.

You have to decide in which category you may be situated for deciding if the new iPod video is worth the money or not. From the same point of view, you may say that as a music player the new iPod video has superior quality of sound. As a screen for the photo album, the clarity of the screen may win the competition with any TV sets screen. As a movie player, the iPod video is below the expectations, but it may be considered a great step in the video technology. May I conclude by saying that there is a lot more information out there on this subject, just waiting for you to unearth, so, happy digging.

john savage has a Blog on ipod videos which you will find very interesting. Please Click Here to visit


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