
Anti Virus Checkers How Do We Protect Ourselves

How did we ever survive without our computers. It's almost inconceivable to think that we didn't hardly need these daily helpers in our homes a decade ago. Like coffee, computers seem to be one of those things that you can't live without once you've tried them. Our PCs and Macs aid us on an incomparable level these days, and we certainly don't want to return to the old ways. While these phenomenal machines continuously provide us with access to the world, we have to keep a close eye on them to ensure their safety.

After all, computer viruses are always updating like our handy machines. Now days it is always wise to do an anti virus check on your computer regularly. Those nasty little bugs will crawl into your hard drive and take up residence with no plans of leaving. They will destroy your system from the inside out. Fortunately we don't have to allow this. There are a number of software options at you disposal in order to do an anti virus check.

This way you can scan your computer completely for any unwanted predators. The anti virus check will not only locate the viruses, but also contain them so you can further delete them from existence. If you've never had a virus in your computer, consider yourself lucky, because it can ruin everything. I first delved into the world of anti virus software when my PC went on the fritz a few years back. I couldn't understand what the darn thing was doing. It was virtually nonfunctional in every way.

It drove me insane. All I needed was to complete a mid-term, but the computer wouldn't allow it. After going berserk, I call my brother who is a computer technician.

He smirked and told me that I probably had a virus. He asked if I had tried an anti virus check. Before I new it, he had located the virus and was trying to contain it. This will basically keep it separate from your computer, then hopefully it can be completely removed. Computer viruses are all over the place. Probably the most likely source of infection is your own email.

You always have to be careful what you open. It could be a virus. Luckily many of our email service providers have a standard anti virus check as part of there program. This way the email will be scanned before you open any downloads.

If you think your computer may be infected with a virus, check and see if you already have anti virus software installed. If you do, run a standard anti virus check. You can set these to run as often as you like. This way you ensure your computer of avoiding all viruses.

Mr James has owned The Cartridge Specialists (Melbourne) since 2004 selling ink, toner, fax rolls etc & regularly writes articles about his industry


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